Sunday, November 25, 2007

10 Extras for Listing Presentations

Several clients have asked us "What extra value-added services can we offer in our Listing/Buyer Presentations to seal the deal?"

Here are some ideas:

1. Automated Showing Feedback offers agents automated feedback requests from showing agents and emails the responses to both you and your seller...

2. Single Property Websites

Costs anywhere between $5 and $12 each month to host plus domain registration, if you don't use a provider like Agency Logic.

A FREE way to set up a Single Property Website is to use a subdomain on your existing website such as

IDEA: You could have a template designed for your Luxury properties and a separate one for your non-Luxury properties and just plug in the photos and property information.

3. Syndication of their listing on the top 10 online classified websites

4. Professional Property Photography and Multiple MLS Photos

The number one thing that Internet home searchers look for during their search is photos. Let your prospective client know that you will give their home an edge in the home search process/

5. FREE Home Warranty (Costs around $400 for Single Family Residences)

6. 1-800/Toll-Free Property Voicemail Ad

7. A featured spot of the listing on your weekly/monthly print and e-mail newsletters

8. Enhanced Listing

9. YouTube Listing Video featured on your website

This also will increase the search engine rankings for the property and be sure to have a link to your website or the property website in the video

10. Bring goodies to the listing presentation.

Leave brownies or a pie with the Sellers to ensure that they think of you while making their decision!

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